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A Guide To Dating At The End Of The World

M 80 MIN


Zurich, Switzerland, 28 March 2010…The Hadron Collider conducts the first tests looking for the Higgs/Boson.

Brisbane, Australia…… a few hours earlier:

Alex meets John on a blind date set up by her friends, and declares that she ‘wouldn't see him again even if he were the last man on earth!’ The next day Alex wakes to find that a scientific experiment seems to have wiped out the rest of humanity. The streets of Brisbane are deserted; her annoying boss has disappeared; no longer does she have to put up with her friends trying to set her up with losers, and she now has the City of Sunshine to herself. At first it’s bliss, though the novelty wears thin after a few weeks of harmless carjacking, home-invasions and tinned food.

Then Alex discovers that there is someone else still alive, and you’ll never believe who it is! Neither of them understand how or why they seem to be the last two people on earth, but in this new idyllic environment Alex starts to appreciate John’s better qualities and a budding romance develops.

That is, until they run into Wendy – the smarter and sassier ‘other woman’ who not only has worked out how they’ve all survived - something to do with wormholes and particles – and even has a plan to bring everyone back.

Alex vows not to let Wendy get between her and John, so she becomes determined to not only win John over but save humanity. By Thursday.

Movie Information

Release date

Friday 26th August


80 min




