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Amidst the turmoil of World War II, Filip, a revenge driven Polish waiter working at a lavish German hotel, tempts fate indulging in forbidden romances with local women while concealing his Jewish identity. Caught in the perilous dance between desire and danger, he navigates treacherous waters, knowing that each moment spent in the arms of his lovers could expose his true identity and threaten his very existence. In 1943, a young Polish Jew named Filip escapes the massacre of the Warsaw Ghetto and disguised as a Frenchmen works as a waiter in an exclusive hotel restaurant in Frankfurt am Main. Having escaped the horrors of war he carelessly enjoys all the charms of life, pursuing forbidden romances with local women. However, as the war begins to take a bloody toll on those closest to him, the intricately built world that surrounds him crumbles like a house of cards. Based on the semi-biographical novel of the same name by Leopold Tyrmand, the film offers a fresh take on World War II stories told from a different view, complemented by dynamic cinematography and stunning production design. First shown at the Gdynia Film Festival in September 2022 it won the Silver Lion, with additional awards to Michał Sobociński for cinematography and to Dariusz Krysiak for characterization.
Movie Information
Release Date
23rd June 2024
125 MIN
Film Festival
Participating Cinemas
Movie Information
Release Date
23rd June 2024
125 MIN
Film Festival